Big hello for you guys. Let's step into the next part of my last trip in Malaysia. Today i'd like to write the story of my journey on May 5 until May 6, 2016.

Day 2 (May 5, 2016)
After the exhausting day yesterday, on this day we started continuing our exploration at Genting Highlands. Today's schedule was visiting The Chin Swee Caves Temple. We woke up at 7 am and then we were ready at 9.30 am.
Day 2 Flat Lay
To reach Chin Swee Caves Temple, you just need use the "Free Service" of Shuttle Bus that located in front of First World Hotel's main lobby. The bus start picking the passengers at 9 am and will show up once in an hour. It takes about 10-15 minutes to reach Chin Swee Caves Temple. Scroll down and I will show you what is Chin Swee Caves Temple.

The Entrance
For those that want to come here, make sure you climb the stairs of the Pagoda. It has 9 floors.

Let's Climb The Pagoda
Lotus Ceiling
If you have reached the top, you will see the beautiful Lotus Ceiling. I sweat a lot at 9th floor. I have a tips for you, when you climb the stairs of Pagoda. Make sure, you don't have any problems of your breathing system, stabilize your inhale and exhale pattern, and keep climbing the stairs in stable speed.

View From Above
I'm not finish yet, keep your eye on the next shots.
Dragon Everywhere
Giant Buddha
Most Iconic Statue
7 Angels
Fu Lu Shou
Chin Swee Caves Temple
To reach this holy place, you just need step down the stairs. You can ask people there where the stairs or you can follow the direction by your self. We got chance to have a pray here. Before praying, we bought some ash sticks. Just follow the praying instruction on the notice board. For your information, you can donate money here.

We took a rest after exploring the Chin Swee Caves Temple. We sat on the chairs next to Sourvenirs Stall and ate something. Soon, we got back to the main lobby and waited at the bus stop area. Let's go back to Hotel and recharge the energy.

After about 1 hour recharging our energy. We started our activity again around Food, Shooping, and Entertainment area of Genting Highland. On May 4, 2016, we hadn't explored the all store yet. We continued on this chance. But hey, we were always get the tummy's problem. We better found something to cure its promblem (starving...LOL)
Cha Kwe Tiao
Kung Pao Chicken
The taste of these foods were average. Nothing special but worth to fill up the stomach and our energy was fully loaded. First stop...

Visitors Galleria
The Visitors Galleria is a one-stop information center for Genting Highlands, located at the lobby of Maxims Genting Hotel. Open from morning 'till night daily. Visitors can lear about the history of Genting by perusing a varied collection of newspaper clippings, plaques, awards, posters and other memorabilia that explain the story behind Lim Goh Tong (founder of Genting Highland). (gentinghighlands.info/visitors-galleria.htm)

Globe On The Wall 
We realized that 1 hour was not enough for recharging our energy. We decided to go back to the Hotel and had an early rest to face the next day. Before that, we were curious about The Chatime Stall that we saw from the 10 metre distance. Ah, It was totally different from The Chatime Indonesia. Wanna try the all menu of it. But I had to decided one. I choose Horlicks and It was so damn delicious.
Horlicks + Less Sugar
Went back to the hotel, took a bath, and had an early rest. In the next day, we would check-out from the Hotel and moved to the next schedule.

Day 3 (May 6, 2016)
We were ready at 9 o'clock and we gonna had a Cable Car Ride (Genting Skyway).
Checking Out
As usual, the breakfast is a must. Nothing special (again) on this menu. Simply eat it to fill up the empty stomach.
Mc D Breakfast Menu
We thought that we were the one who came early to the Genting Skyway Terminal, but take a look at this.
Queuing Up
Oh My Oh My
Oh my, there were many people before us. Yes, we were late.
Yeah, We Almost There
When we were almost there, we realized that the Cable Car didn't work properly. They stopped operating. Even we couldn't buy the ticket because the locket had been closed. We were so disappointed with this condition because this activity was on my itinerary list. We just didn't what happened to the Cable Car. So many assumption about this trouble came out of my mind. I thought that, Genting Skyway had never been out of service before. What a coincidence! For a while, we were so confused. What should we do to reach the terminal that take us to KL Sentral?

All I wanna do were asking many people and security guard. I asked them how do I reach the terminal because Genting Skyway is out of service. We were directed to the shuttle bus next to Genting Skyway terminal. They said that "you just need to buy the bus ticket only". Immediately, we went to the terminal and enter the bus without any ticket in our hands. To tell you the truth, we didn't know where the ticket locket was located. Fortunately, we could sit on seat and arrive safely at Bus Terminal. Very stunning day...Fuihhhh

Bus Terminal
When we got here, we bought the ticket at locket that located on 4th floor. Follow the direction and go upstairs with lift. If you don't any direction, you can ask anyone there. Our bus to KL Sentral were scheduled at 12.00 pm. Forget to tell you, Today we gonna go the Malacca. So the route is Bus Terminal Genting - KL Sentral - Bandar Tasek Selatann - Terminal Bersepadu Selatan - Melaka Sentral - Melaka City. Let me guide you so you can use this route someday.

KL Sentral
This is KL Sentral Terminal. Actually KL Sentral is a Mall. You can access to the mall by using elevator there. But we didn't go to the Mall. We were straight to the ticket counter and bought some KTM Komuter Tickets to Bandar Tasek Selatan Shelter.
To go to Bandar Tasek Selatan, you must take the Platform 6 (Seremban) and wait the Komuter comes. Anyway, I love this Mass Transportation. Easy to access and easy to use. The waiting area is so clean. I wish Indonesia would have the mass transportation with clean area like this.

Yay, Komuter Comes
Inside The Komuter
After 20 minutes, We arrived Bandar Tasek Selatan
Bandar Tasek Selatan
When we arrived, we were truly confused about the way that we should go. As i read on someone's blog, we had to find connecting bridge to Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS). TBS has so many bus in many route. In this case, we want to go Malacca (Melaka Sentral). Again, the key is asking and we find the connecting bridge.
Connecting Bridge
View From Connecting Bridge
View From Connecting Bridge
Soon, we went to ticket counter and bought ticket to Malacca (Melaka Sentral)
Terminal Bersepadu Selatan
Ticket Counter
Our Tickets
We thought that Mayang Sari was the name of Ticket Counter's operator but we were wrong. Mayang Sari was the name of our bus that took us to Melaka Central. Let's wait 'till it came.
Waiting Room
We were so ready to go. Malacca, Here I Come
It's Raining Outside
Our journey took about 2 hours and we arrived Melaka Sentral with tired face. Long-long journey for Day 3. Absolutely, we felt so hungry. We didn't have any time eating something since breakfast at McD and It was almost 4 pm. Melaka Sentral is also the terminal, it treated like Bus Shelter and this shelter is the widest in Malacca. First thing we saw when came out from the bus was "Mc Donalds". Time to find something to eat. You know, very hungry 'till die. LOL.. We ordered Nuggets menu with Angry Bird Movie promotional on its food paper wrap. Something had attracted my eye. Lychee Ice Cream. Never been eaten before.
Mc D Wall Art
Mom Donalds
Lychee Ice Cream
Fully loaded tummy. From Melaka Sentral to Malacca City, you take a bus. It takes about 10 minutes only to reach the city and the ticket is affordable.
Ticket To The City
Panorama Melaka
Next challenge was finding our Hotel. Hoamm... this was my first time here at Malacca. So, I used my Google Maps. Actually, Malacca is the small city. All the venues are located in one area, aboslutely my hotel as well. Go everywhere by just walking.
Hotel Hong
Hotel Hong
To tell you the truth, I picked the hotel at Malacca randomly. I read through the Internet, Hotel Hong is worth to stay. And I proved it by self. I feel cozy here and the service was awesome. The hotel's owner explain to us about Malacca Maps so we can find the venue easily. We also got free maps from him. He also recommended us to the delicious food in Malacca. The reason why you must stay when visit Malacca is Hotel Hong has a strategic position. It is close to Jongker Walk and many venues next to Jongker Walk.

We took a rest for a while and decided to start our exploration at Jongker Walk at 6PM. Jongker Walk opens at 5PM 'till midnight. Scroll down for Jongker Walk Gallery
Jongker Walk / Jongker Street
Cute Vehicles
Sam Shu Gong
Food Stall
Left & Right
Cafe Corner

Huay Kuan
Time Machine
Let's see what we got
Instant Watemelon Juice
Quail Egg Satay
I Choose Chocolate
Crispy Squid
Chinese Fan
If you plan to buy some sourvenirs, I will recommend this store. For your information, you can find accessories that related to Malacca in every store. Many store has the same thing. Take a look this store :
Jongker Gallery
Wanna Learn Kungfu?
Key Chain
Cartoon Character
Handphone Stand

Passport Holder
Beauty Bag
Art Frame
Wow, we were so happy today and we got so many things from Jongker Walk. That was almost 11PM. Time to go back to the Hotel and have a rest. We would have another exploration in the next day. Energy Recharging Was On Progress... See you the next part (Part 3).


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