Visit this MAPLE & OAK on last Saturday and going back to my laptop again for the next post. I don't to tell about the new menu but just wanna show some highlighted menu from them. So on this post I straight to the point by focusing on their food instead of restaurant ambience. So lets start!
Overall Menu
1. Chimichurri Grilled Steak Taco
Chimichurri Grilled Steak Taco
When I saw this dish from the top, It was just like a creature with sexy "egg yolk" eye that blinked and then made me want to eat it immediately. Remember do not use fork or knife to eat this dish, you just need to wrap all the fillings with its tortilla. BOOM, absolutely its egg yolk will dance inside your mouth once you bite it. For me, this good is worth to eat for brunch. Its Chimichurri is on point with other ingredients.
Chimichurri Grilled Steak Taco
2. M&O Cheese Burger
M&O Cheese Burger
M&O stands for MAPLE & OAK. So this is another menu that you don't want to be missed. I just opened the upper bun of it and wanted to show you how anatomy look alike inside. Simply appetizing, isn't it? Their 120GR AUS BEEF PATTY is damn-tender-amazing. I'd rather put those mixed greens inside the bun together with other ingredients.
M&O Cheese Burger
3. Egg Benedict - Salmon
Egg Benedict - Salmon
I'd rather say this dish is the one which took my most attention. Egg benedict with premium ingredients like greeny Sous Vide Eggs which is looking juicy when you pop the egg yolk. They also put beet-cure style on their salmon with  seasalt. But those toasted sourdough was a little bit chewy, so hard to cut it. Overall, still good to be craved for.
Egg Benedict - Salmon
4. Poached Pear & Granola
Poached Pear & Granola
My favourite healthy menu from MAPLE & OAK. That Poached Pear was amazing, I could feel the aroma of Earl Grey and Tahitian Vanilla. Actually, you have to eat that pear with all ingredients below it. But I finished its pear first and then the rest.
Poached Pear & Granola
This is the actual presentation of this menu and I almost forget to tell you. When you order this menu, they will also provide a tiny glass of fresh milk to make it creamy-watery so you eat the granola, apricots, and berries easily.

5. Pitaya Bowl
Pitaya Bowl
This is COOL FOR THE SUMMER. Stuning dessert from MAPLE & OAK called Pitaya Bowl with smooth dragon fruit and banana smoothies as base. As you look on the picture, you can imagine how it tasted. Sweet and Sour are available in one bowl. Totally RECOMMENDED.
Pitaya Bowl
6. Tiramisu
Tiramisu love should choose this menu. First, you have to use that Espresso injection and the make sure you reach all layer when you scoop it with spoon and then you are ready to train your sweet-tooth with this guys.

7. Atomic Kiwi

8. Blushy Berry

For those who need fresh and light, you guys go to Atomic Kiwi and for those who need sweet and creamy, just go for Blushy Berry.

9. Cappuccino
There's always room for COFFEE LOVER so lets have your Coffe O'clock here at Maple & Oak.

Absolutely I will give 8 stars out of 10 stars for this Modern Neighbourhood Brunch and Coffee Spot at the Center of Jakarta. There's always waiting list everytime I visit MAPLE & OAK and I assume that people around love their food. Indeed, I love them too. Who's never been here? You guys have to put MAPLE & OAK on your weekend list.

Maple & Oak
Your Modern Neighborhood Brunch & Coffee Spot
Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto No. 91
Menteng - Jakarta Pusat
DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Instagram : @maple.oak
E-mail : mapleandoakjkt@gmail.com
Phone : +6221 390 6757


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